Category Archives: The Australian
IFOWONRO (officially)
When it comes down to it, ten billion quid to build the sheep a few Covered Outdoor Learning Areas out beyond the black stump wasn’t a bad price for (up to) three years of stable government (terms and conditions apply – fine print TBA). A great deal is going to be said about how it’s all going to work out, most of it contradictory, so my advice is to ignore all of it except the cartoons, because today heralds a new Golden Age of Cartooning for this country where playing it for laughs will see you safely through to the next election.
The hayride to hell
Look fellas, cobbers, mates, we know that it is in fact Bush Week and will remain so for the discernible future, but get a bloody move on. Yes, both options are rubbish, but if you’re a dam half-full kind of person that means it doesn’t really matter which one you choose, so just make a decision and we’ll all have somebody to blame for stuffing up the country again.