While the Iraqi journo who pinged his size tens at George W doesn’t quite stack up against that guy who blocked the tanks in Tiananmen Square, I think we can all agree his protest had a certain something. The only thing the hippy who flipped his Dunlop Volleys past the keeper for four byes during Q&A had going for him was an appropriate choice of footwear. Lucky he wasn’t protesting against Paul Keating, genuine imported Italian baby harp seal leather wingtips  don’t come cheap.
Category Archives: The Australian
The devil’s in the detail, or possibly hiding in a cave in Afghanistan
I am all for finishing what we started, so the priority should probably be working out what exactly it is we’ve started in Afghanistan so that we could perhaps start to work out how we might at least start finishing it (whatever it might turn out to be).
Failing that (which we most certainly will) at the very least we should start to learn not to start something before we have some idea what it is we’re starting. That would be a good start.