101 Uses For a John Howard

swiss army johnnyAnnouncing a new and exciting waste of time: The John Howard Project. I will be boldly attempting to suggest in cartoon form 101 ways that our Prime Minister can keep himself amused in his (hopefully) inevitable retirement years. If anyone seems to care, I will turn them into a bestselling book just in time for Christmas.

If indifference ensues, I’ll just stop, which means without any incentive to retire, John Howard will keep on being Prime Minister for ever and ever until Menzies is nothing more than a vague and happy memory and the only beings alive in a post-nuclear-holocaust Australia will be John Howard and giant mutant cockroaches who he will probably teach to play cricket and make himself captain and we don’t want that to happen so go and have a look and post comments and be generally nice about it.

New site design

I’ve put together this new site in WordPress, which is a sexy new blog-type thing. The old one was getting a bit long in the tooth. Anyway, it should be easier to update. We shall see. Hmmmm…

This design’s a bit light on for info, but I’ll fix it as i go.

More life drawing

I managed to drag myself away along to life drawing again last week. It’s been a while, but ended up with a few nice pics.


(click thumbnails to view)

seated2.jpg seated.jpg standing.jpg