Buy The Book

You know those people who always say the exhibition was better than the book? Well, okay, but the book is pretty bloody awesome and you can’t look at the exhibition while you’re on the toilet. Maybe next year.

Anyway, if you want a book or two, and they will make mighty stylish and really cheap Christmas presents, go to the shop.

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Ennui Emergency


All that stuff I said about taking down the exhibition has turned a little bit line-in-the-sandy. Turns out the Sidespace Gallery is available for another couple of weeks, so, er, BY POPULAR DEMAND WE’RE STAYING OPEN A BIT LONGER!

Doors will be open Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm for the next two weekends (November 21, 22, 28 & 29) so if you haven’t yet experienced the greatest cartooning haiku event of November 2009 in Hobart and/or have nothing to do, please come on down.

This also means the haiku competition will be open a bit longer. We’ve already got some cracking entries, so you’ll have to be good to take out the GRAND PRIZE.

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Don’t panic!


Last day to see the Haikudelka exhibition in all its analogue glory. Art connoisseurs of taste and distinction are picking up their purchases this afternoon and we’re taking the remainder down and ritually setting them on fire, so if you want to see them all on the wall, do pop in around lunchtime.

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