We have a winner!

We received 52 cracking haikus for the competition and finally narrowed it down to a winner, so without further ado, here ’tis:

No work can be done

by any public servant

next to a window.

Congratulations to (identity concealed in case it gets you moved to a windowless office). I’ll be drawing up the cartoon this week, and congrats to all entrants, it was very hard to pick a winner.



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Seriously, not mucking about this time, it really is the last weekend of the exhibition


Right, this is DEFINITELY the last weekend for the exhibition, so if you haven’t seen it and you want to see it and you miss it, then don’t come whingeing to me like Nick Minchin when high tide starts lapping at his chin and he never learned to dog-paddle, because YOU’VE BEEN TOLD.

We’ll also have the exciting new 2010 Haikudelka calendar for sale at the gallery. Rather limited stock at the moment, so first in gets to know what date it is next year.

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