A cartoonist’s day pretty much involves sitting around trying to think of something funny to draw. Not that I’m complaining, it’s just that it can be a bit difficult to convince people you’re busy while you’re sipping your fifth coffee for the morning while idly bouncing a tennis ball against the wall. This can be doubly difficult when you’re asked to account for your working day on the telly. Fortunately, through the magic of editing, they managed to take out most of the stupid things I said and made me look almost busy.
Time to call it a night…
I’ve been mucking out the hard drive this week and dug up this one from many moons ago. I decided to put it on the blog in honour of Malcolm Fraser. It’s always tough to know when to leave a party, but if you see either Harry doing his hatstand or Tony Abbott stripping down to his budgie smugglers, you can be pretty sure it’s time to call a cab.
…and round we go again
Astonishingly, it turns out that all of a sudden, bulldozing Tasmania’s forests for woodchips might not be the smartest way of doing things after all. While this clearly is a bit of a shock to everyone because frankly it’s the first anybody’s heard of it, a solution is at hand!
Firstly, it turns out it was all der meeja’s fault and the meeja should quietly hang its head in shame while a round table of currently unspecified diameter (to be advised in good time) is prepared (as soon as we find a nice bit of timber that isn’t in little pieces).
Secondly, there are chairs to be organised, and some time after that with any luck everyone will have forgotten about the whole not-bulldozing-the-forests-for-woodchips thing, the market will have picked up a bit and it can be Business As Usual, at least until the next crisis.