It says a lot about this election campaign that the most interesting player so far has been Kevin Rudd’s gallbladder. Okay, it’s wrong to be doing jokes about people going to hospital, but come on, the metaphorical knifing, the sneaky leaker, a spray from Mr Angry Pancreas Mark Latham, then an operation to remove an organ that stores bile? There’s probably a cartoon or two in that.
John Howard has been officially remaindered
I got a request for a copy of 101 Uses For A John Howard the other day and have managed to dig the last carton out of the attic. Since he’s now an ex Prime Minister once removed, Johnny’s been officially remaindered at a never to be repeated $10 inc GST & postage.
Have a read and remind yourself of the good old days when we had a PM who was serious about stuff like climate change and was at least the genuine article (with an extra helping of Pauline Hanson) rather than John Howard Lite. I miss the little fella.
How about we just stop talking about the boats for a bit?
One of my all-time favourite cartoons is by Leunig from one of his earlier collections. It’s got two people roasting marshmallows around a campfire and one is saying to the other “What do you mean the acoustics could be better? What the hell are you talking about?” …or words to that effect. It’s funnier when you see it and comes to mind whenever Julia and Tony start banging on about boat people.
Refugees coming here by boat isn’t an ideal situation. I couldn’t agree more. Nonetheless, shit happens, and in the scheme of things, whatever you think about giving refugees a fair go, stopping the boats (or as is more likely, not stopping the boats) is going to have very little effect on our quality of life.
However, as details on stuff like climate change, health, education, industrial relations and the economy are a little abstract for a tasty sound bite, I’m sure we’ll be hearing lots more about boats in the weeks to come. We get the government we deserve, I suppose.
Hang on, aren’t worms hermaphrodites?
The most (and possibly only) interesting thing about last night’s debate was the clear preference of the red worm for the chick and the blue worm for the chap. While this is possibly explained by the fact that the only straight answer you could probably get out of either candidate is their gender, the demonstrable love that the electorate is showing for leaders with corresponding XX or XY chromosomes does beg the question of why neither party is openly supporting gay marriage.