Enter Lego Kerry O’Brien

Cartoon from The Australian, 5 April 2010

Back in April, I predicted that the ABC’s evil Lego plan would spell the end of Kerry O’Brien. They said I was mad, well who’s laughing now? Stay tuned for Lego Leigh Sales and Lego Tony Jones. Very few people know that Bob The Builder was live action before it was on the ABC.

The New Paradigm goes pear-shaped

The Australian, 18 September 2010

It turns out there’s a little matter of the Constitution getting between Rob Oakeshott having his cake (possibly pear cake) and eating it. Sure, Tony seemed to be all for the Speaker getting a pair before the Indies got to pick the winner, but Rob, mate, that’s what we voters like to call an “election promise”. Probably best get used to it.

World Party Tasmania

This is a pic I drew for World Party Tasmania, an event organised in response to some recent bullying and harassment of foreign students in Hobart. While you can’t completely stamp out boneheaded stupidity, you can show that racism is not okay and if that involves going along to a fantastic party then you can’t really lose.

It’s on at City Hall in Hobart, 16 October · 14:00 – 23:30. Go to the website and like it on Facebook.

I want my gabillion bajigabits per second and I want it yesterday

The Australian, 18 September 2010

The word is that Julia’s deal with our new rural overlords is slowing down the NBN rollout. Fair enough, sheep need broadband too, but I want my ridiculously fast broadband now, and one of those flyings cars we’ve all heard so much about.

The Resurrection

The Hobart Mercury, 14 September 2010

…and on the 81st day, Julia did visit Kevin’s tomb to anoint His body as Foreign Minister and Lo! the stone was already rolled back, and Kevin was packed and ready to go to the airport.

The Australian, 14 September 2010