Joe “Archimedes” Hockey
Just quietly, I think Joe was pulling his lever a bit hard today.While I agree that telling the banks you’ll be very cross if they raise interest rates probably won’t do the trick, having the government deciding what banks can charge is guaranteed to end badly. I don’t want to tell the Party of Free Enterprise how to do their job, but I reckon encouraging a bit of healthy competition might trim the fat a bit. There’s a rumour that markets can be quite good at that sort of thing.
Couldn’t quite make this cartoon work for tomorrow’s paper, but I liked the exploding cigars, so here it is just for you, gentle blog reader.
The devil’s in the detail, or possibly hiding in a cave in Afghanistan
I am all for finishing what we started, so the priority should probably be working out what exactly it is we’ve started in Afghanistan so that we could perhaps start to work out how we might at least start finishing it (whatever it might turn out to be).
Failing that (which we most certainly will) at the very least we should start to learn not to start something before we have some idea what it is we’re starting. That would be a good start.