Now for that flying machine…

It’s been a bit of a Renaissance for, well, Renaissance cartoons for me in the past few weeks. Anyway, I’ve had a few requests for prints of this one, so if you want one, you can either contact me or just buy one now. Prints use quality Epson inks on archival textured paper and look bloody fantastic if you ask me.

A4 signed print $66 [wp_cart:Leonardo Airport Security A4 print:price:66.00:end]

A3 signed print $88 [wp_cart:Leonardo Airport Security A3 print:price:88.00:end]


Public service feng shui

The winning haiku from last year is shamefully late, but has finally been delivered to winner and public service feng shui expert Alecia. Here ’tis.

There are some originals left from the exhibition, they’re here – available originals not marked with an asterisk.

Sitting on the dock of the bay

The Hobart Mercury, 18 December 2010

If stopping the boats wasn’t code for punishing desperate people ostensibly for their own good, I’m sure there’d be less argument in this country about how to deal with asylum seekers.

Acting like arseholes in order to deter people from attempting to bootstrap themselves out of miserable circumstances is not a solution, Pacific or otherwise. Sure, boats are dangerous. So is locking people up for indefinite periods, so is sending refugees back where they came from, so is living in limbo as a non-citizen in Indonesia, so is rotting in a refugee camp for years on end.

There are no easy answers, but if you’re looking for an applicable Australian Value, then “Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right” wouldn’t be a bad start.