Non-working families

The Hobart Mercury, 12 Febtober 2011

There’s a hole in the budget, dear Lara, dear Lara, and we all know what that means.

The first job to go was that of Airdy, the previous treasurer, who apparently wants to sit on a few corporate boards and help out in third world countries, which is the inevitable fate of any country in which Airdy is allowed to sit on corporate boards. Let’s hope he only sits on corporate boards in countries very far away.

The second job to go was David “Backflip” Bartlett’s, who rather fortunately for everyone is unlikely to be allowed to reverse his last decision as premier.

Not a bad start, really.

The trick is to stop it from hitting the fan

The Australian 10 Febtober 2011

Okay, everybody’s mum has at some point told them that if they haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. This has an important caveat that it can look a bit awkward on national television. Mums and media advisers of the world, take note.

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A3 print $88 [wp_cart:shit happens print A3:price:88.00:end]

Ordure occurs

The Australian, 9 Febtober 2011

A cracking opening day for Parliament 2011 yesterday saw Jools having a bit of a sook, Bligh-style. Some rather unpleasant types suggested she was putting it on, but everyone agrees Tony’s 20-odd seconds of the angriest silent nodding in interview history (admittedly a niche event) was 100% real.