Concert for Queensland

You may have heard there was a bit of rain up in Queensland a few weeks back. The man who brought you World Party, that all-round good guy (despite being a lawyer) Stephen Estcourt has leapt to the rescue and organised a little soiree at the Hobart Town Hall in aid of the cleanup.

It’s on Saturday 5th of March,  and tickets are $45 each, which is approximately 15 lattes, so rather than drink 15 coffees and give yourself a heart attack, you should go and hear some lovely music and help tidy up a bit of the mess in Queensland at the same time.

The lineup is Michael Kieran Harvey, Emily Burke, Jamie Allen, Liz Gormley, Michael Lampard, Brian Ritchie and Ensemble, Karen Smithies, Hobart Chamber Orchestra and the UTAS Jan Sedivka Camerata Chamber Ensemble.

Tickets available here and the official facebook page is here. You can expect a tight but polite event security team to keep everything running smoothly and safely.

Nothing takes the edge off global warming like a nice cold G&T

The Weekend Australian Sightgeist, 4 December 2010

I just like this one, and somebody wants a print, so here ’tis (click the Add To Cart button and shopping cart will appear below).

A4 print $66 [wp_cart:polar lime print A4:price:66.00:end]

A3 print $88 [wp_cart:polar lime print A3:price:88.00:end]


Sustainable promising

The Australian 25 Febtober 2011

Let’s just get this out of the way first: the new political correctness is that it’s not okay to call an ignorant fool an ignorant fool, but bugger it, I’m a cartoonist and cartoonists have no respect for Political Correctness Gone Mad, so if you think putting a price on carbon is a bad idea, you are an ignorant fool.

There, I said it. Feel free to go cross-eyed and red in the face, it’s a good look for an idiot.

Yesterday, the PM managed to put the case that perhaps she isn’t an ignorant fool by promising to put a price on carbon a bit down the track, details (and devil) to follow. Now that’s lovely, and before anyone starts banging on about global warming being made up, Australia going it alone is a waste of time, blardy blah blah etc, go and read the first paragraph again and shut the hell up. Where was I?

Oh yeah, Julia’s Great Big New Promise: good start, though kind of exactly the opposite of what she said she was going to do during the election, so while holding your breath would no doubt lower Australia’s emissions while we’re all waiting for the Carbon Revolution, I strongly advise against it.

and while we’re on the subjects of penises…

unpublished rough

Since the dikileaks saga seems to have reared its ugly head again, so to speak, here’s one that got away last December. The story’s moved on a bit sleaze-wise, but back in those innocent days it was all about the willies on the internet.