Royal Commemorative Cartoon box set

The Mercury 30 April 2011

I’m just going to come out and say this: while as over-the-top weddings go I heard the other night was to *die* for, I still don’t see how that makes it any less ridiculous that some Pom is our head of state.

I note some eyes bulging ‘neath well-tugged forelocks and I say to you, just keep it to yourself. A monarchy in this day and age is silly. Royally silly. That is all.

Anyway, I did a few cartoons about it, which probably proves that I’m even sillier. Here’s the other one from the Sunday Tele.

The Sunday Telegraph 1 May 2011

No smirking

unpublished rough

As we all know, the Chaser’s Royal Wedding commentary has been abolished by royal decree, thus surely removing the one connection most non-lobotomised Australians still actually have with the monarchy, which is of course taking the piss out of it.

Vive la Republique.

Blessed are the tweetmakers?

unpublished rough, 25 April 2011

I’m pretty sure that our soldiers didn’t fight in all those wars just so that the head of the Australian Christian Lobby could crucify himself on twitter, but it’s a free internet, and at least now we know what sort of lobbying he’s doing when he’s lobbying our politicians.

And now they know we know, which is probably a good thing too.

Stop the protests

The Australian 25 April 2011

Okay, you’re fleeing from persecution by your government. You rather rudely fail to enquire about the queue on the spurious grounds that it doesn’t exist and blow all your savings on a luxury cruise to Australia, where naturally you are persecuted by the government and then you have the temerity to get upset about it!

Luckily, the dynamic duo Tony and Scott are on the case. Expect things to get much better very soon.