A slightly fishy ending

The Sunday Telegraph 8 May 2011

I still think the whole buried at sea thing was Hollywood leaving the door open for a sequel. Anyway here’s today’s from The Sunday Tele and below is another rough that didn’t find a home because there are only so many cartoons you can get published in a week, but hey, it’s passed its expiry date and I thought it was kind of funny…

Non, je ne regrette rien

unpublished rough

There didn’t seem to be a place for this cartoon all week and it’s probably passed its use-by date, which is a pity because I do think that The Sculpture Garden Of Things Which In Retrospect People In Public Life Probably Wish They Hadn’t Said would be a salutory experience for us all. It would certainly make twitter a more exciting place, though the world would probably run out of marble in a hurry.

Anyway, the little fella’s contribution to the 2008 US election campaign deserves another airing in light of the circumstances of last week, so here it is.

The awning of a new age of petty bureaucracy

7 May 2011

Sometimes when the world seems full of testosterone, belligerence and people cheerfully murdering each other, it’s good to get mad about something really petty. Thank you, red awnings.

A4 print $66 [wp_cart:awnings_print_A4:price:66.00:end]

A3 print $88 [wp_cart:awnings_print_A3:price:88.00:end]


Do it yourself Osama photo kit

The Australian 6 May 2011

The White House has decided not to release photos of the body of bin Laden on the grounds that it would be provocative, though some might say that in the provocation stakes the horse has already bolted, been shot by Navy SEALs and buried at sea in the traditional Muslim fashion.

Let’s face it, if you weren’t inclined to believe bin Laden is dead without photographic proof, you probably weren’t going to believe the photos haven’t paid a visit to Dr Photoshop anyway.

If you do want something to stick on your fridge next to your picture of Wills and Kate having a royal snog, feel free to cut and paste whichever version of events you’re most comfortable with, especially if you need to discreetly cover up the gory bits.

Have fun, and be careful with the scissors.

He seemed like a nice chap, kept to himself…

The Australian 5 May 2011

After all that, it turns out bin Laden wasn’t hiding in some cave where beyond even the reach of Google Earth, but was in fact living just down the road from Islamabad. In a garrison town. And nobody noticed.
