Cunning little buggers… and so are the foxes.

The Hobart Mercury 25 September 2011

After ten years of brandishing fox poo at the decreasingly cheerful taxpayers of Tasmania, the smart money’s on finding a Tassie Tiger before Tasmania’s intrepid Fox Taskforce turns up an actual fox. Mind you, even foxes are less scarce than smart money around here so you never know.

Love and marriage

The Hobart Mercury 20 September 2011

Tasmania: as usual leading the way in social sophistication and maturity. Do try and keep up, barbarians from the north island.

PS  Yes, I am aware that two women might want to get married as well, but it was a bit too close to deadline to draw a double wedding. Apologies for the omission, my sentiments on the matter are the same.

A5 print $44 [wp_cart:marriage_equality_print_A5:price:44.00:end]

A4 print $66 [wp_cart:marriage_equality_print_A4:price:66.00:end]

A3 print $88 [wp_cart:marriage_equality_print_A3:price:88.00:end]

Separating the baby from the bathwater

The Hobart Mercury 13 September 2011

Look, I know Australian asylum seeker policy seems to involve doing everything in as complicated and bloody-minded a way as possible, but rather than going to ridiculous lengths to weasel out of our obligations from being a signatory to the Refugee Convention, would it not at least reduce the pantomime a tiny bit (or at the very least be more honest) to just unsign it?