The Hobart Mercury 18 February 2012
The Hobart Mercury 18 February 2012
The Hobart Mercury 8 February 2012
“Has some of the criticism of Julia Gillard’s Prime Ministership been sexist?” You may ask, to which I would reply “Is a woman’s place barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?”
Now that the internet has democratised rabid abuse, the sexist component of the torrent of maniacal rage directed the PM’s way actually seems quite quaint. Nonetheless, people need to understand that the only form of sex-based discrimination that will be officially tolerated in this country is apparently against same-sex couples who wish to get married. Anything else is bang out of order.
Now play nice.
The Hobart Mercury 4 February 2012
While William Goldman’s book Adventures In The Screen Trade is about the movie business, most of it applies equally to politics, especially his central thesis “nobody knows anything” which all politicians, staffers, journos and cartoonists should get their iPhones to repeat to them on the hour.
The sequel Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures In The Screen Trade is also worth a read.
PS “Nobody knows anything” probably doesn’t mean quite what you think it means unless you’ve read the book, and yes, Goldman also wrote The Princess Bride.
The Hobart Mercury 3 January 2012
Look, if you want a government handout in Tasmania, you start up a Chopping Down Native Forests For Woodchips Festival like everybody else. Sheesh. The cheek of it.
The Hobart Mercury 24 December 2011
Lara’s mad at Nick for not honouring the spirit of the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement and Nick’s mad at Lara for not honouring the spirit of the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement, which is probably just a big misunderstanding because  it seems pretty plain that not honouring the spirit of the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement is in fact the spirit of the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement.
Honestly, I’m pretty sure most people realised that before the whole thing started.