Where the money went

11 August 2012

News of the Tas Govt’s new approach to bill settlement brings to mind classics from the golden years like Richard Butler’s ex-gratia payment and the magnificent architectural designs for Hobart’s new railyards hospital with clinically restorative water views which sadly never happened because we, er, DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY ANY MORE AND REALLY GUYS THIS SORT OF STUFF HAS STOPPED BEING FUNNY.

Anyway, I’m sure it’s nobody’s fault, as usual. Perhaps somebody discovered a spotted handfish in Walker Corps’ wallet.

Headbanging for peace

The Hobart Mercury 7 August 2012

Today we learned two unsurprising things. Firstly, Gunns’ proposed pulp mill has been relegated to unproposed and secondly, everyone is in agreement that there is still no agreement on agreeing on how much of Tasmania’s forests we should be chopping down, which is at least a start, but perhaps the government would like to have another crack at it. Hahaha. Good luck with that. No really.

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Citius, Altius, Fortius, and don’t get caught.

The Hobart Mercury 29 July 2012

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