Hopefully they’re very patient virgins

The Australian 3 May 2011

It’s hard to know what to think about the Yanks knocking off Osama yesterday. The guy no doubt had it coming, but after seeing pictures of mass celebrations of the event I get the feeling that the cycle of violence just rolls on and on regardless.

First world moralising and latte-sipping relativism aside, if there is some sort of afterlife there could surely be no more fitting result than an eternity spent trying to get through ridiculously stringent security procedures at the gates of Paradise. Or if eternity is a bit over the top, then maybe 100 years for every time somebody has had to take their bloody shoes off to get into an airport should do it.

Stop the protests

The Australian 25 April 2011

Okay, you’re fleeing from persecution by your government. You rather rudely fail to enquire about the queue on the spurious grounds that it doesn’t exist and blow all your savings on a luxury cruise to Australia, where naturally you are persecuted by the government and then you have the temerity to get upset about it!

Luckily, the dynamic duo Tony and Scott are on the case. Expect things to get much better very soon.

No bush burning without a permit

The Australian 14 April 2011

Good on Marrickville for having a crack at sorting out the Middle East, but if god had meant for local councils to get involved in foreign policy, he would have given us more Kevins. Many, many more Kevins.

Jobs on the line

The Australian, 15 April 2011

Looks like Paul Howes is joining industry  in rattling the old sabre (yes, a euphemism) as part of Carbon Price Rent-Seeking Madness Month.

The threat is that if it so much as looks like one job is going to be lost the AWU will withdraw support for the carbon tax, in which case he should probably just save everyone some time and toss all his toys out of the cot right now.

Reality check: some jobs are going to go from polluting industries, some are going to be created in less polluting industries, that’s the whole point.

It will be interesting how seriously Our Jules takes the threat, considering Paul’s got form in knocking over Kev last year and installing her on the understanding she keep the seat warm for him until he was ready for the gig. Some jobs are more sacred than others, I guess.