The Australian 2 June 2011
Most of the grownups now seem to be at least publicly on the same page that climate change actually exists, so apart from the argument that nobody should do anything until somebody else does, which of course means never doing anything ever, the actual point of contention seems to be how much the carbon price per tonne should be.
If memory serves, the Greens want something around $40 and Tony of course is plumping for $0, or less if at all possible. Using the scientific principle of splitting the difference between Tony and Bob, somewhere in the vicinity of $20 looks like a fair bet, maybe a few dollars on either side depending on whether the wind’s blowing in a La Nina or El Nino direction at the time.
Politics aside, if Tony and Julia do turn out to be the last breeding pair of the human race, it’s probably best to just give another species a crack at it.