Category Archives: The Australian
Everybody is spying on you except me and that’s only because I am lazy and you’re not that interesting
There may or may not be an inquiry into who’s allowed to know what and when about who, or possibly whom, I can’t be bothered checking, but my private opinion that you may have for free is that we won’t know what and why for quite a while because some privacy is more private than others and it’s a tricky bloody business working out which is what in public.
The pot calling the kettle a pot
Okay, I get the Ju-liar thing. The whole “no carbon tax” before and “whoops, a carbon tax!” after the election was, no matter how desperately you try to spin it, not compatible with the whole truth and nothing but, and there’s a lot of living down to be done. Also, the last two syllables of her first name can sound amusingly like “liar”, though I do use the word “amusingly’ quite generously and strictly for the first ever time it was said.
But geez Tony, she is capable of sticking to the same non-contradictory position for a whole day in a row sometimes, which is at least convenient for the 24 news cycle. Full points for chutzpah though.
Too much information
Some might say that when it comes to privacy, the horse has already bolted, started a blog, opened twitter, facebook and google+ accounts and is about to release a tell-all book entitled “The Stable Door Was Open, Deal With It”.
Personally, I disagree, but everyone probably already knew that. Who gets to keep what private and when is going to be an increasingly bloody big deal and is a lot bigger than the phone-hacking scandal in the UK, which is plenty big enough anyway. After the shouting’s died down a bit I hope it gets the attention it deserves.