Encouraging poor behaviour

Binge Drinker t-shirt
I was kicking around an idea for a pocket cartoon last year when binge drinking was said to be four standard drinks. I do like the occasional beverage and in my crazy hedonistic youth, four beers of an evening wasn’t an entirely unheard of event. I’m all for responsible consumption of alcohol , but the day four beers is a binge is the day the wowsers have won.

Sadly, the story got bumped off the front, so in the spirit of recycling I stuck it up on Redbubble as a t-shirt. So far, it’s outsold everything else by miles, with most sales going to the UK. Bloody pissheads.

Just because everyone thinks you’re an idiot doesn’t mean you’re not



Now before you break out the pitchforks (best dispense with the flaming torches though) I’d like to point out that when I’m thinking about crossing the road, even though I don’t explicitly believe there’s a car coming, I still tend to take a peek before stepping out, so while I don’t believe in the religious sense that human carbon emissions can definitely change the climate of the planet in a minutely predictable manner, on the evidence presented it’s quite likely something’s going on and considering the rather catastrophic potential consequences, I’m not averse to taking a few precautions.

In fact, while I really hope we can do whatever we like as a species without any consequences, on a scale of plausibility climate change is coming in a hell of a lot higher than, for example, Jesus saving us all in the event we do completely bollix up the world (I’m just saying).

Now I’m as sceptical as the next idiot, can’t get enough of it in fact, however, it is quite important not to mistake scepticism for wishful thinking or simple pig-headedness. So if you want to be a sceptic about climate change, then you bloody well BE a sceptic, just remember to cast a similarly jaundiced eye over climate research sponsored by the fossil fuel industry while you’re at it.

Where else but Queensland?

You’ve got to love the dogged persistence of Queensland coppers when it comes to not quite getting their heads around the whole ethics thing.

I was working on the above pocket cartoon for this story in the Oz last night about them trying desperately to make two wrongs make a right, but got bumped to another story for layout.

This was a damn shame not only because I’d just come up with what I thought was a nice idea and nice ideas don’t grow on bloody trees my friends, but also because Maggie had already cracked open the nice wine. Anyway, there was a little bit of red left when I finally finished, so all was not lost.