First published in The Australian 27/7/09
Looks like the ALP’s planning to unleash Kevin 2.0 for next year’s election. Kudelka cartoons is proud to release the leaked email on the subject. Be very afraid.
First published in The Australian 27/7/09
You’ve got to love the dogged persistence of Queensland coppers when it comes to not quite getting their heads around the whole ethics thing.
I was working on the above pocket cartoon for this story in the Oz last night about them trying desperately to make two wrongs make a right, but got bumped to another story for layout.
This was a damn shame not only because I’d just come up with what I thought was a nice idea and nice ideas don’t grow on bloody trees my friends, but also because Maggie had already cracked open the nice wine. Anyway, there was a little bit of red left when I finally finished, so all was not lost.
I’m not one to gloat (openly) at the misfortune of others, but in the case of this evil bastard, I’ll make an exception. It turns out everyone’s favourite crazy-haired dictator Kim Jong-il has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so just as long as they keep him away from any big red buttons for the next 6 months or so, the world can only become a better place.
The Hobart Mercury, 30 June 2009