(Insert appropriately ironic Midnight Oil lyrics here)

The Australian 26/2/2010

I would just like to point out that this cartoon was published before Kev demoted Pete from backing vocals to roadie. The PM’s clearly decided that rock stars can’t be trusted and has instead started listening to the cartoonists. We’ll all be rooned.

Happy 2010

The Australian 1/1/10

It’s going to be an Olympic year for cartoonists with a federal election coming up, and hopefully Tony Abbott will last long enough as Opposition leader to contest it, because if there is a god, Tony is His gift to political cartoonists. Thanks god.

The Mercury 2/1/10

…and just some food for thought if you’re tempted to make some New Years’ resolutions.
I’m on a break for the next week, so if you’ve got something really urgent that you need to contact me about right away, you’ve probably got the wrong person.

The turkey flip

The Hobart Mercury 19/12/09

We’ve all heard about the monster turkeys being served up for Christmas in Tasmania this year, but spare a thought for the premier. The poor bastard’s got a whole freezer full that he needs us to choke down and hope the food poisoning doesn’t kick in before next March.

Perhaps the Miracle Of Christmas will kick in and everything will be fine, but Santa knows whether you’ve been good or bad no matter how much you pay your public relations department, so if I were you I’d be politely declining a slice of David’s Turkey this festive season.