The Resurrection

The Hobart Mercury, 14 September 2010

…and on the 81st day, Julia did visit Kevin’s tomb to anoint His body as Foreign Minister and Lo! the stone was already rolled back, and Kevin was packed and ready to go to the airport.

The Australian, 14 September 2010

Bluster and Bullshit

Sunday Telegraph, 13 September 2010

IFOWONRO, obviously, but at the risk of being a party pooper, I suspect rumours of our rural invasion are somewhat exaggerated.

No matter how many New Paradigms we have, I can guarantee that Bluster and its great mate Bullshit will remain the life of the party (such as it is) in parliament for as long as parties in parliament persist (probably perpetuity). Bluster and Bullshit are built in to the system to give everyone something to do between votes, which is when Mathematics has a small window in which to pop in and straighten the place up while they’re tapping the next keg.

So just keep in mind that when anyone says they have a mandate, that is probably bluster, and when someone says that the result of a vote carried out according to the rules is illegitimate, that is best described as bullshit.

The main effect of a hung parliament is that people start thinking that bluster and bullshit have some actual effect rather than just being an opportunity to kill time, and they may well be right. So look forward to, if not an improvement in quality of B&B, at the very least a marked increase in volume and stench.

Welcome to the New Paradigm

The Australian, 10 September 2010

Whenever you hear someone use the word “paradigm”, you can be pretty confident they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. I’m betting we’ll be hearing the word “paradigm” a lot over the next few months.

IFOWONRO (officially)

The Australian, 8 September 2010

When it comes down to it, ten billion quid to build the sheep a few Covered Outdoor Learning Areas out beyond the black stump wasn’t a bad price for (up to) three years of stable government (terms and conditions apply – fine print TBA). A great deal is going to be said about how it’s all going to work out, most of it contradictory, so my advice is to ignore all of it except the cartoons, because today heralds a new Golden Age of Cartooning for this country where playing it for laughs will see you safely through to the next election.