Accessorise your PM

The Australian, 27 October 2010

While the Iraqi journo who pinged his size tens at George W doesn’t quite stack up against that guy who blocked the tanks in Tiananmen Square, I think we can all agree his protest had a certain something. The only thing the hippy who flipped his Dunlop Volleys past the keeper for four byes during Q&A had going for him was an appropriate choice of footwear. Lucky he wasn’t protesting against Paul Keating, genuine imported Italian baby harp seal leather wingtips  don’t come cheap.

A Lazarus never rises twice

Sunday Telegraph, 24 October 2010

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, especially when applied to Prime Ministers, though for some, “fonder” refers to a transition from seething hatred to a slightly diminished level of seething hatred. John Howard has sensibly let a few years and a couple of other Prime Ministers telling lies and stuffing things up make us feel a bit wistful for the good old days when at least you didn’t have any false hopes left to be dashed.

Sadly, John couldn’t leave well enough alone and he’s ripping the scab off this week, releasing the slightly disturbingly titled autobiography “Lazarus Rising”. The only good name for an ex-PM’s autobiography is “It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time” and it should contain an unconditional apology for pretty much everything, leaving Kevin extremely well-placed to get it right when his comes out (possibly serialised with subtitles in The Monthly).

I strongly recommend you avoid reading Lazarus Rising and just let him stride off purposefully into the sunset, let’s face it, you really aren’t going to change your mind about the bloke either way. However, if you can’t help yourself, consider purchasing the definitive John Howard biography as an antidote, a bargain at $10 a throw.

Joe “Archimedes” Hockey

Just quietly, I think Joe was pulling his lever a bit hard today.While I agree that telling the banks you’ll be very cross if they raise interest rates probably won’t do the trick, having the government deciding what banks can charge is guaranteed to end badly. I don’t want to tell the Party of Free Enterprise how to do their job, but I reckon encouraging a bit of healthy competition might trim the fat a bit. There’s a rumour that markets can be quite good at that sort of thing.

Couldn’t quite make this cartoon work for tomorrow’s paper, but I liked the exploding cigars, so here it is just for you, gentle blog reader.