Category Archives: political cartoons
Football dress code
Those who know me, or in fact just see me, will be aware that I’m not a stickler when it comes to sartorial elegance, however I do think a lockable belt would solve a lot of problems for the strapping young lads who play football professionally. This cartoon was drawn way back in 2004 when it was rugby league players having trouble keeping their dacks on, but is equally applicable to the AFL, I suspect.
So, how much do you love Australia?
If you don’t love Australia, you are unAustralian, and not being Australian is no excuse.
Sitting on the dock of the bay
If stopping the boats wasn’t code for punishing desperate people ostensibly for their own good, I’m sure there’d be less argument in this country about how to deal with asylum seekers.
Acting like arseholes in order to deter people from attempting to bootstrap themselves out of miserable circumstances is not a solution, Pacific or otherwise. Sure, boats are dangerous. So is locking people up for indefinite periods, so is sending refugees back where they came from, so is living in limbo as a non-citizen in Indonesia, so is rotting in a refugee camp for years on end.
There are no easy answers, but if you’re looking for an applicable Australian Value, then “Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right” wouldn’t be a bad start.