High hanging fruit

Page 1, The Australian, 31 March 2011

In a move that might at least cheer up cheer up refugees a bit, Tony has decided to turn his attention to beating up on welfare recipients for a bit of variety.

This pretty much involves getting unemployed people into the fruit-picking game, which can indeed be lucrative and fun. Hey, I’m Tasmanian and picked my share of apples in the days before I became a cartooning millionaire. Lots of fresh air and all the fruit you can eat.

It’s not like Tony doesn’t have a point either, welfare should be for people who really need it, but to stretch the fruit analogy possibly a bit too far, while the low hanging fruit is easier to get at, there’s some juicier stuff higher up the income tree that could use a bit of tough love as well if he was inclined to get off his arse and find a ladder.

De river in Sussex St

The Australian 31 March 2011

Unfortunately it appears you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, but the next best thing is kidding yourself.

Good luck with that fellas, hope it works out for you.

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How’s that broth coming along?

The Australian 30 March 2011

It’s always a bit awkward with an ex-leader hanging about the place.

Not sure what the cricket equivalent of Foreign Minister is – probably deep fine leg. Anyway, I’m sure Kevin can talk Ricky through it some time, possibly in a Frequent Flyers’ lounge somewhere.

Whatever you want it to mean

The Australian 29 March 2011

Look, I’m not a climate scientist, but it’s pretty obvious the NSW election was all about putting NSW Labor out of their (and everybody else’s) misery like the pack of mangy, rabid, parasite-infested mongrels they so clearly were (too kind?).

Bit difficult to read much more into it, though I’m sure that won’t stop anyone.