Is it that time again?

The Sunday Telegraph 10 April 2011

There’s been a bit of chat about Kevin having another crack at being Prime Minister, and while it’s a fair bet that either the chatters, or Kevin (or both) are somewhat delusional, going by the Howard Maxim that the times will eventually suit anyone, it’s either this year or a fair old wait until the next annus rhymus.

Just lucky his first name isn’t “Orange”.

Friendly fire

The Australian 8 April 2011

I know it’s easy to say that secretly videoing sex so your mates can get their jollies is wrong from the comfort of a cushy chair at a drawing board, and that’s because it clearly is wrong.

Basic respect for other human beings (and yes, women are human beings too) is, when you think about it, more rather than less important when your job is handling large terrifying weapons. Good on the Defence Minister for having the ticker to point it out in no uncertain terms. Seems like the sort of bloke you’d want to have next to you in the trenches.

Seriously, they are quite bad for you

The Hobart Mercury 5 April 2011

The latest plan is for Big Tobacco to have little calls to arms to smokers tucked inside the plain packaging with pictures of rotting body parts and a warning that you will get cancer on it that’s kept behind the counter out of sight containing smoking death sticks that you have to go out on to the street to smoke while passers-by glare at you with hatred and contempt.

Let’s face it, these people are probably pretty much impervious to arguments to the contrary anyway.

Save Our Mercury rally today 1.15pm Parliament lawns

Hey, it’s a tough world for newspapers these days, what with the interweb and all, and belts have to be tightened. That said, editing a Hobart paper from Melbourne seems a false economy when your main edge is that you’re local. If you’re interested in what people have to say on the matter, there’s a rally on today (Thursday) at 1.15pm.

More here.