Heil pokies

The Hobart Mercury 19 April 2011

Sorry, but if the best dirt the pokies dirt unit can come up with is some bloke saying Wilkie forced him to do a Nazi salute at the ADFA 30 years ago, then they’re not really earning their shovels.

Now don’t get me wrong, Nazis were evil bastards, even more evil than pokies, and being a complete arsehole at Duntroon (while apparently quite the done thing) is not cool, but come on guys, surely he was selling swastika throw rugs at the carpet shop or doing unspeakable things to kittens or something. Do your jobs. Dig dig.

Jobs on the line

The Australian, 15 April 2011

Looks like Paul Howes is joining industry  in rattling the old sabre (yes, a euphemism) as part of Carbon Price Rent-Seeking Madness Month.

The threat is that if it so much as looks like one job is going to be lost the AWU will withdraw support for the carbon tax, in which case he should probably just save everyone some time and toss all his toys out of the cot right now.

Reality check: some jobs are going to go from polluting industries, some are going to be created in less polluting industries, that’s the whole point.

It will be interesting how seriously Our Jules takes the threat, considering Paul’s got form in knocking over Kev last year and installing her on the understanding she keep the seat warm for him until he was ready for the gig. Some jobs are more sacred than others, I guess.


Diggers and digettes

The Australian 12 April 2011

Women are now going to be allowed to serve in combat roles as long as they meet the physical and intellectual requirements for the job, which seems reasonable, and does somewhat negate the counter-argument that they will not be physically and/intellectually capable for the job.


While this is an advance in the sexes getting along together, it doesn’t really address the bigger question of “War, what is it good for?” but then the intellectual requirements for working that one out seem beyond the human race as a whole at this point.