Hopefully they’re very patient virgins

The Australian 3 May 2011

It’s hard to know what to think about the Yanks knocking off Osama yesterday. The guy no doubt had it coming, but after seeing pictures of mass celebrations of the event I get the feeling that the cycle of violence just rolls on and on regardless.

First world moralising and latte-sipping relativism aside, if there is some sort of afterlife there could surely be no more fitting result than an eternity spent trying to get through ridiculously stringent security procedures at the gates of Paradise. Or if eternity is a bit over the top, then maybe 100 years for every time somebody has had to take their bloody shoes off to get into an airport should do it.

Royal Commemorative Cartoon box set

The Mercury 30 April 2011

I’m just going to come out and say this: while as over-the-top weddings go I heard the other night was to *die* for, I still don’t see how that makes it any less ridiculous that some Pom is our head of state.

I note some eyes bulging ‘neath well-tugged forelocks and I say to you, just keep it to yourself. A monarchy in this day and age is silly. Royally silly. That is all.

Anyway, I did a few cartoons about it, which probably proves that I’m even sillier. Here’s the other one from the Sunday Tele.

The Sunday Telegraph 1 May 2011

No smirking

unpublished rough

As we all know, the Chaser’s Royal Wedding commentary has been abolished by royal decree, thus surely removing the one connection most non-lobotomised Australians still actually have with the monarchy, which is of course taking the piss out of it.

Vive la Republique.