Spill club

The Australian 20 June 2011

#1 – The first rule of Spill Club is, you do not talk about Spill Club.

#2 – The second rule of Spill Club is, you DO NOT talk about Spill Club.

#3 – If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the spill is over.

#4 – Two guys or possibly two gals, or most likely a guy and a gal, to a spill.

#5 – One spill at a time.

#6 – No Kevin07 t-shirts, no white jackets (they show the blood).

#7 – Spills will go on as long as they have to.

#8 – If this is the anniversary of your first night at Spill Club, you have to spill.

Which came first, the omelette or the egg?

The Sunday Telegraph 19 June 2011

In hindsight, one of Julia’s biggest mistakes was in dispatching Kevin with such terrifying efficiency. Firstly, it set somewhat unrealistically high expectations of her capacity to get the job done, and secondly it left Kevin floating around the place like a slightly bemused ghost who’s not quite sure what just happened.

Anyway, while last year there wasn’t much time for the traditional drawn-out leadership tensions we’ve come to expect and enjoy (taken to farcical extremes by Peter Costello in the previous decade), it’s pretty much inevitable that there’s going to be a little bit of chat about it on the anniversary of Kevin’s demise as PM, if only to get it out of everyone’s systems.

It seems inconceivable that the ALP could possibly contemplate unscrambling the egg, much less putting Kevin back together. My pet theory is that the whole crazy episode was precipitated by most of the Labor Party being driven completely insane from sleep deprivation caused by trying to keep up with Kevin’s 24/7 work schedule and while the polls will probably  be keeping most of them up at night, I can’t quite see that level of madness creeping in again.

But hey, at least it makes a change from talking about climate change and refugees.

Kicking the habit

The Australian 18 June 2011

Now I’m as big a fan of the cancer death stick industry as anyone, and in fact I’d cheerfully support legislation forcing them to call their product “cancer death sticks” under the truth in advertising act, but it would seem a bit rude to ask them to send you cash (preferably unmarked bills in an olive green paper bag) while you’re doing it.