Opening of the Haikudelka exhibition, Sidespace Gallery.
The exhibition is officially open! There are 35 haikus up on the wall at the Sidespace Gallery for your delectation. Doors are open 10am to 5pm until Monday the 16th of November.
The Mill That Wasn't There
I finally got around to doing the adding up for the Exhibition, and over the nine days, we ended up getting 1263 people through the gallery, so we’ll definitely be doing it again next year. All originals are spoken for, though prints are still available. To see them, go here.
Looks like The Mill That Wasn’t There’s going to haunt us for at least another couple of years.
Well, Big Red In The Tub finally sold on ebay for $1277 and will be most appropriately gracing the buyer’s newly designed bathroom. Bon voyage big fella, I have plans for a great big Bartlett In The Sandpit for next year if he survives that long.
Just one final parting pleasure for Paul Lennon’s portrait – I was checking my blog stats the other day and one of the google search terms that brought someone to the site was “erotic hot tubbing paintings”. I can only imagine the poor chap’s disappointment when Big Red appeared… or perhaps it was just what was wanted, which is indeed an appalling thought, but the internet’s a broad church. Different strokes and all that…
The infamous painting of Big Red In The Tub by Walkley Award winning cartoonist me is on the wall at my exhibition at the Sidespace Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre. Big Red’s hot tub marks a tumultuous period in Tasmanian history and is for direct sale for $3500 or you can bid for it on ebay here (currently a snip SOLD at $100 $120 $193.49 $406  $610! $1277) Apparently, it will be gracing a bathroom in its new home. Happy hot tubbing, I say.
Also at the exhibition are my favourite 20 newspaper cartoons for 2008 and some other paintings: