The Hobart Comedy Festival

The Hobart Comedy Festival kicks off on the 23rd of July. When I was starting out as a cartoonist, I used to go to the  Melbourne Comedy Festival and see every single show. Good comedy makes your brain grow bigger, bad comedy makes you feel relatively witty and comedians always need the money, so please go and see everything at this one, you can’t lose. The guide’s in today’s Sunday Tasmanian.

…and one to go.

You have to hand it to Julia, she doesn’t muck around. Did this cartoon for last weekend and she’s now up to number three.
Disclaimer: as it is now politically incorrect to be politically correct, I’m not sure whether “xenophobe” is okay or not, but if it isn’t, let’s just put it down to speaking my mind and move on, eh? Anyway, you can’t appease all of the people all of the time…

Note: the original for this one has been bought, so if you want it, you’re too late. Prints available as usual.

The Weekend Australian 3-4 July 2010

Thou shalt not raid aid ships in international waters and expect people to believe the other guys started it

The Hobart Mercury 2/6/2010

It turns out that the Israeli commandos had just popped in to play a quiet game of shuffleboard, then one of the passengers looked at them funny, and, well, what happens on the cruise stays on the cruise…

I was on telly!

A cartoonist’s day pretty much involves sitting around trying to think of something funny to draw. Not that I’m complaining, it’s just that it can be a bit difficult to convince people you’re busy while you’re sipping your fifth coffee for the morning while idly bouncing a tennis ball against the wall. This can be doubly difficult when you’re asked to account for your working day on the telly. Fortunately, through the magic of editing, they managed to take out most of the stupid things I said and made me look almost busy.

Me trying to look busy for Stateline.