The Hobart Mercury, 16 August 2010
You’re watching The Expendables at Warringah Mall and during a really emotional bit someone’s bloody phone goes off (the ringtone’s probably Ride Of The Valkyries).
“Hello? Uh – a boat? Fair – er – dinkum?……Well how should – uhhh – I know? I’m not – errrr – really a -uh -boathead…. What -er – uh – do you reckon?…..Splice the – errrrr – mainjib?”
Tony has decided to personally apply his vast nautical knowledge and experience to the vexed question of whether Turning The Boats Around will play well in Western Sydney at whatever point it is in the daily news cycle. Whenever there’s a life and death decision to be made out on the ocean wave, get Tony on the blower.
No doubt later today Julia will counter with a proposal to set up a call centre in East Timor to handle the situation. Personally I favour a live-action reality TV program like So You Think You Can Turn The Boats Around. Now that’s democratainment.