Save The Promises!

The Hobart Mercury 7 January 2014

The Hobart Mercury 7 January 2014

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Posted in political cartoons, The Mercury and tagged , .

One Comment

  1. I believe it appropriate to begin an acknowledgment phase of that which had been promised to the Australian people by this confounding Abbott-ian truth-bender and his gaggle of fawning ministers, I would suggest something in the order of an enlarged digital picture screen located in each capital city’s public square would be quite sufficient.
    This Liberal Party Prime Minister who was not unlike his Liberal predecessor being John Winston Howard, another Prime Minister who found it rather irksome in being called upon to honour the truth of his statements and the upholding of his then election promises.
    The Liberal Deception Party would be a far more honest sobriquet of that in which this party of today could be more accurately identified.
    Right from the very moment of gaining election many of these Liberal Deception ministers were to be identified as ‘sly-dog expense-account rorting graspers’ who were soon to become notoriously better known with their having to answer to the charges of filing falsified and or outrageously inappropriate and often puerile claims for expenses reimbursement.
    The year 2013 will be long remembered as the year the citizen electors of Australia as a collective voting bloc had failed to elect an acceptable Federal Leadership Party.

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