The Australian 23 July 2012
A5 print $44 [wp_cart:peoplehavespoken_print_A5:price:44.00:end]
A4 print $66 [wp_cart:peoplehavespoken_print_A4:price:66.00:end]
The Australian 23 July 2012
A5 print $44 [wp_cart:peoplehavespoken_print_A5:price:44.00:end]
A4 print $66 [wp_cart:peoplehavespoken_print_A4:price:66.00:end]
Well said.
The ALP have had their day unless they are willing to restructure their party to reduce the AWU control of it down to a single vote per union and the other 50% of the voting rights to their members. Working people don’t appreciate being sold out by the AWU (the bosses union).
LOL :-)
Jan, sadly its no laughing matter. The ALP used to be the worker’s party until Bob Hawke and his right wing ways came along and sold us out.
Yes, only utter humourlessness can save us now, Jan.