The Australian 11 May 2012
A5 print $44 [wp_cart:monalisasmirk_print_A5:price:44.00:end]
A4 print $66 [wp_cart:monalisasmirk_print_A4:price:66.00:end]
A3 print $88 [wp_cart:monalisasmirk_print_A3:price:88.00:end]
The Australian 11 May 2012
A5 print $44 [wp_cart:monalisasmirk_print_A5:price:44.00:end]
A4 print $66 [wp_cart:monalisasmirk_print_A4:price:66.00:end]
A3 print $88 [wp_cart:monalisasmirk_print_A3:price:88.00:end]
Costello is/was a dud who built bugger all infrastructure in a mining boom, gave out $5,000 to people to have babies (INCLUDING HIS RELIGIOUS CULT MEMBERS) when we should have a sustainable population policy. He is/was a gutless wonder who didn’t have the strength to take the leadership from Howard, why would we want him back?