Separating the baby from the bathwater

The Hobart Mercury 13 September 2011

Look, I know Australian asylum seeker policy seems to involve doing everything in as complicated and bloody-minded a way as possible, but rather than going to ridiculous lengths to weasel out of our obligations from being a signatory to the Refugee Convention, would it not at least reduce the pantomime a tiny bit (or at the very least be more honest) to just unsign it?

Posted in political cartoons, The Mercury.

One Comment

  1. Saw your Light on the Hill cartoon on Insiders described as “cartoon of the year”. Seems like a good call to me, the year has a way to go but it’s unlikely to be bettered.

    Great work! And thanks. Casanova might have broken a few hearts but he was no match for the ALP.

    Mac H

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