The truth gets shot twice in the head before a lie has managed to get its pants on

The Australian 4 May 2011

…or something to that effect.

The US government’s given the conspiracy mill a bloody good start by providing a choice of he was armed/he was unarmed/he looked at me funny/used his wife as a human shield/okay maybe he didn’t use his wife as a human shield options, not to mention playing the burial at sea card which was frankly top-notch stuff.

It’s hardly their fault, nobody was going to believe what they said anyway, so good on them for keeping it relatively simple.

My recommendation is to get the internet put on in your bunker, believe the six truthiest impossible things that occur to you before breakfast and get to work sharing them with the rest of the world. If you need me, I’ll be out back digging myself a media room.


Posted in political cartoons, The Australian.

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