Royal Commemorative Cartoon box set

The Mercury 30 April 2011

I’m just going to come out and say this: while as over-the-top weddings go I heard the other night was to *die* for, I still don’t see how that makes it any less ridiculous that some Pom is our head of state.

I note some eyes bulging ‘neath well-tugged forelocks and I say to you, just keep it to yourself. A monarchy in this day and age is silly. Royally silly. That is all.

Anyway, I did a few cartoons about it, which probably proves that I’m even sillier. Here’s the other one from the Sunday Tele.

The Sunday Telegraph 1 May 2011

Posted in political cartoons, The Mercury, Sunday Telegraph.


  1. “I still don’t see how that makes it any less ridiculous that some Pom is our head of state.

    I note some eyes bulging ‘neath well-tugged forelocks and I say to you, just keep it to yourself. A monarchy in this day and age is silly. Royally silly. That is all.”

    Oh dear – republicans losing the debate are we? Need to silence debate do we?

    Of course its just “funny words” from a funny man, but one suspects that real democratic principles are not so strongly lodged in the leftist’s breast.

    But don’t stop with the cartoons!!

  2. Yes Chris, even after your extraordinarily convincing dissertation on how a hereditary head of state is against all odds entirely consistent with democratic principles, I still think you’re silly.

    In fact, I think you’re even bit sillier than before when you were just part of a large undifferentiated mass of silliness. Please forgive my leftist insistence on things actually making some sort of sense.

  3. Maybe, Jon, you should just stop it with the cartoons, just to piss Chris off!

  4. Don’t actually remember disserting that monarchy was democratic. Bit of an assumption there. Now I am afraid I’ll get labelled as a “republic denialist!”

    The funniest thing is of course that Australia is a republic now. Res Publica = common wealth.
    I suppose the quandry now is to know whether stopping the cartoons will piss me off more than keeping on doing cartoons and taking potshots at HMQ?


  5. Sorry Chris, it’s easy for everyone to get a bit confused when a monarchist starts talking about democracy, as it’s naturally not a strong suit.

    I understand now that you thought I was attempting to suppress the democratic right of monarchists everywhere to fawn sickeningly over the royal family when I suggested monarchists keep their silliness to themselves. Sorry about that, I was just trying to help you all look a bit less silly.

    Anyway, I’m glad we’re on the same page regarding the anti-democratic nature of monarchies.

    As regards pissing you off, I’m sure you’ll find the inevitable cutting of the apron strings with the royal family painful enough when the time finally comes, so without in anyway infringing on your democratic right to ignore my advice, I advise you not to look at the cartoons any more.

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