When things get tough and you can’t pay your bill, turn your eyes to the light on the hill. It’s nice to know someone can afford to have the lights on, even if nobody’s home.
I’m prepared for lots more crap like that this year. Get it over with early so we can blame it on the previous government by the next election.
I’ll reserve judgement on Our Lara in knee-highs until I see the source pic.
Wouuldn’t Electra be a better name? Or Electrona?
No, they would not be better names.
The light at the end of the tunnel? we see it in the distance but never get there.
I’m prepared for lots more crap like that this year. Get it over with early so we can blame it on the previous government by the next election.
I’ll reserve judgement on Our Lara in knee-highs until I see the source pic.
Wouuldn’t Electra be a better name? Or Electrona?
No, they would not be better names.
The light at the end of the tunnel? we see it in the distance but never get there.