Let’s face it, they’re all on the naughty list anyway.

The Sunday Telegraph, 21 November 2010

In a wildly optimistic moment, Premier Keneally has told her cabinet to keep their clothes on and behave themselves at office Christmas parties this year. She then went on to instruct ministers to ensure media advisers and chiefs-of-staff did not post inappropriate comments or photographs on Facebook or Twitter.

Now while I’ve never had any experience being a state premier myself, telling members of the NSW Labor party to behave themselves and not post the evidence on social media sites strikes me as being somewhat like pulling on a pair of bright red trakkie dacks and waving one’s backside in the direction of an enraged bull.

Eat, drink, be merry and share it all on Facebook I reckon, you might as well enjoy the last few days of Rome.

Posted in political cartoons, Sunday Telegraph.

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